About Culture.Sale

About Culture.Sale
“Every song has a memory; every song has the ability to make or break your heart, shut down the heart, and open the eyes.”
– Andy Warhol

Culture.Sale started because we miss discovery. Finding random books in a store. Hearing an album in a record shop and buying the CD. Wandering into a new art gallery and discovering a new favourite artist. Smelling the food from a restaurant and following your nose to a delicious meal. Finding an excellent clothing brand in a shop before reading reviews online. The feeling of finding something new and different and then sharing that discovery with friends.

We are looking for emotion in a time of algorithms. Maybe you are too?

We are going to share creative endeavours we are enjoying, no link baiting to get those clicks. Just discoveries we are loving.

We will post when we find something awesome, not to fill a quota or schedule. We might post 3 times in a week and then be radio silent for a month six months. Sometimes we will break our rules to write something long and heady. Maybe we will make a video or playlist?! Who knows what’s going to happen?! No rules.

And we hope you will share awesome things with us to make this thing, whatever it is, better! We don’t know where this is going but we promise it will not be boring.

Shawn Parkinson
Editor, Culture.Sale